About Trish Onken
I'm a mixed-media artist and printmaker looking for inspiration from the environment I find myself in and using my work as a method of storytelling. Whether that's through the nature that flourishes in urban settings or the fine details of the city landscape that we walk past or walk on, I will use these details in the interpretation of a story, particularly in my printmaking
Collage is a wonderfully tactile and often painstaking medium, but there is a joy in finding and assembling what looks like a pile of paper scraps into something that art emerges from. Collage for me is a method of storytelling that helps me make sense of things happening around us or to interpret the space we inhabit, especially from the viewpoint of women
Born in Ireland, I was interested in art from an early age but took the conventional path in life which saw me in London, Canada, Luxembourg and back to London again. However, a love of art has remained a constant throughout and I finally decided to change career direction in 2023 and dedicate myself to making art full-time. I work from both London and Luxembourg and am poorly assisted by a small, slightly grumpy terrier