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Works in Progress

Now that the festive season is out of the way, I've been getting back to a regular working routine and it currently involves a lot of work with scissors! In the absence of flowers or foliage to print with, I've been working on a lot of abstract collage, which in spite of the amount of work involved and the loss of feeling in my scissors hand, is incredibly satisfying. I've been making a lot of work that feel like landscapes or seasons to me and I make the colours I want to work with using acrylic or watercolour paints. The strong blues that I use might feel like a winter colour to some, but to me it feels very much like the blues of hot summer skies or seas, or like the azure blues found in architecture around the Mediterranean. As a result, the blue in my Four Seasons work is called Summer, with Winter represented by the greys and blacks that are far more prevalent during winter in my part of the world. As you can see from the pictures of some of my recent work, collage is a messy business, but I'm always pleased with the end result. These abstract circles are incredibly striking when mounted and framed and have always been the work that's attracted the most attention or started the most conversations and for that I'm very grateful.

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