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Artists Block?

We all know what writers block is and how difficult a thing it can be for those who write, but I've been feeling a little 'artists block' in the last few days and finding a way through it is a little like feeling your way in a fog. It's not a real 'block' that I have of course, I am still making art I just feel a bit uninspired. The arrival of spring and summer will bring the leaves and flowers that I love to work with, but in the meantime the grey skies and relentless sideways rain don't make for great inspiration - for me anyway, I know many artists thrive on this. Still, we carry on. I've made a lot of abstract work lately, with collage leading the way, it's a favourite of mine. But I recently arrived at my desk to work and sat down with no motivation whatsoever, so I grabbed some brushes and paint and thought I'd doodle for a little while, just to get the creative juices flowing. I decided on an abstract piece and absolutely HATED it at first. That inner critic said it was childish and in danger of becoming a muddy mess of colours. I was sure this was going to end up on the recycling pile, but I carried on and through the fog this work emerged. I no longer hate it. I'd struggle to say that I loved it, but there is something about it that really pleases me and perhaps it's because it's the physical end result of persisting even when you think something is going badly or will be rubbish, but it actually turns out ok and isn't that true of so many things?

So this piece is an 8x10" abstract mixed media work on 300gsm paper and I've no title for it; perhaps you would like to suggest one?

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